
Cost-effective Heating & Cooling in China at Jungheinrich Qingpu

PLUS Design | Jungheinrich Qingpu, a 38.000 m2 campus, heated purely on geothermal energy. Around Shanghai, heating and cooling is usually done by air conditioning. The indoor unit provides (hopefully) the required comfort; while the outdoor unit exchanges heat with the outdoor air. In winter, this outdoor air temperature drops well below 0° in winter, while reaching 40° in summer… What if we have this outdoor unit exchange with water running trough an underground-buried pipe instead? Experience learns this water temperature does not drop below 10°, or go over 30°… sounds better!

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geschrieben von 10 Dezember 2016 - 07:02:30

At PLUS Suzhou, we work hard to improve our client`s indoor working comfort. We constantly explore new ideas on how to effectively heat and cool indoor spaces at a lower cost and lower ecological footprint.

In our previous newsletter, we presented Ammeraal Belltech, where heat was “collected” from the production process and re-used for office heating. But what if such “warm production” is not available? 

PLUS Design | Jungheinrich Qingpu, a 38.000 m2 campus, heated purely on geothermal energy

Around Shanghai, heating and cooling is usually done by air conditioning. The indoor unit provides (hopefully) the required comfort; while the outdoor unit exchanges heat with the outdoor air. In winter, this outdoor air temperature drops well below 0° in winter, while reaching 40° in summer…

What if we have this outdoor unit exchange with water running trough an underground-buried pipe instead? Experience learns this water temperature does not drop below 10°, or go over 30°… sounds better!

Rocket science? Not really. Basically it comes down to a lot of man-hours for digging; a water pump and a long pipe... In Europe, digging and man-hours result in a high initial investment. But not (yet) in China. Moreover, the underground soil conditions in and around Shanghai seam to be close to ideal. Total construction cost turned out to be less than 1.000 Rmb per installed KW at Jungheinrich.

Jungheinrich Qingpu, Geothermal system in place along the outdoor fence

The picture above shows the boreholes position along the garden fence. The 3D visualisation explains the underground position of the pipe, next to the fence wall. The boreholes supply the needed energy to heat the 38.000m2 campus at Jungheinrich Qingpu, Shanghai

The geothermal system in Jungheinrich Qingpu went operational in August 2012 and proves to be a very reliable non-stop heat source, no matter how cold the outdoor temperature is. In September 2014, after a first successful winter, we started on-site measuring with Dr. Stephen Wilkinson, Lecturer in Geotechnical Engineering at Xian Jiaotong Liverpool University. This will give us more insight on how to further improve the system.

The good news? Electricity Consumption and running cost is effectively reduced by half compared to a conventional system. Contact us for more information on how to implement this in your project!

PLUS delivers architectural and project management building consultancy. Our goal is to help you meet your building requirements with the best available solution, on time and in budget.

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