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Vital-Office Feng-Shui and Business Excellence (Presentat Vital-Office Feng-Shui and Business Excellence (Presentation)



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Erstelldatum 2016-08-24

Änderungsdatum 2016-11-15


Introducing Feng Shui Fortune and Business Excellence at the Workplace - Shanghai 26. Mai 2015

Good Feng Shui at the workplace can nurture your fortune and health, while bad Feng Shui and bad office ergonomics can cost money, reputation and health problems on the long run. The concept of business excellence is a similar way. Only one integral process, starting with the planning and the involvement of the employees through to realization, resulting in office workplaces in which the employees can live Business Excellence.

Abstract: Business excellence and it’s correlation to Feng Shui.

Statistics like Gallup show how difficult it is to achieve business excellence and a self-learning organization with engaged employees and team working. Well engineered factories are half of the success. Neglecting the importance of office design results in a rigid, restriction driven organization. All Statistics and TQM studies show that Team working is the main key to sustainable success. To achieve team working in our offices, we need overcome the Cartesian division and perceive the organization as integral system (likewise in Business excellence). Feng Shui, in the selected and scientifically analyzed way of the Vital-Office Concept offers practical methods to analyze and implement working organizational structures with the help of environmental stimulation towards attitude, quality, collaboration and Team work.

Deutsche Möbel Manufaktur

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  +49 7248 93566-90

  +49 7248 93566-97

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 Rooms 05-15,13A/F, South Tower, World Finance Centre, Harbour City, 17 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong

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